Keep NYC Connected


Our city has been through a lot, but New Yorkers always have each others’ backs. So it’s true what they say, that we’re all in this together.

Pilot believes in making global internet access a constant, starting with businesses here at home. That’s why—no matter what else is going on—we stick to our mission and bring the internet for as many organizations as possible.

But it’s not just about what we do, it’s how we do it. Today more than ever, we’re committed to helping Pilot users regardless of their office environment. We’re especially focused on ensuring critical connectivity infrastructure is up and running for those on the frontlines. Because they’re not just “customers,” they’re our neighbors, friends, and colleagues.

With these groups of people in mind, Pilot is waiving late fees, deferring payments, upgrading bandwidth without charge, and keeping customers’ business internet services active through September 1, 2020. This initiative to enable and extend connectivity aims to support those very New Yorkers who have our backs most during this pandemic—such as nonprofits, medical facilities, retail and restaurant establishments, schools, MTA and transportation operations, first responders, and food and beverage customers to name a few.

Powering your workday is our every day. And because keeping the community connected is vital for everyone, we’re supporting more than just our current customers by getting other frontline teams set up with dedicated internet access regardless of their budgets. 

Keeping NYC connected now is crucial to "business as usual" later, and we’ll do everything we can to help get there.